PRESIDENT'S CORNER Have you noticed the days are getting longer and warmer? That means that spring is right around the corner, so I hope you have all been enjoying the ski season as much as I have! We've had some great SSC trips as I write this and two more to finish off the winter season. We are also finalizing details on our trips for 2026 and will share some of that information with you in our April newsletter and at our Spring Banquet. I can hardly believe my year as president is coming to an end! I want to extend my appreciation to everyone who served on the Board with me this year: Lynn, Suzanne, Eileen, Priscilla, Gary, Linda, Michael and Becky. We couldn't get along without these additional members on the support staff: Denise, Bob, Dianne, Barb, Sherry, Lovey, Sue and Pam. And we certainly couldn't run this club and bring you all the programs, trips and social activities without willing volunteers. Please plan to attend our Spring Banquet on Saturday, April 26 as we honor board members, trip leaders and other volunteers in our wonderful SSC family. Happy Trails, Dyan Yingst | ELECTION RESULTS Please congratulate these newly elected members of our 2025-2026 Board of Directors: President: Priscilla St. Jacques-Glusko Trip Vice President: Lynn Hannon Social Vice President: Susan Klingaman Treasurer: Eileen Feeser Secretary: Barb Collier Membership Chair: Susan Hensel Directors: Suzanne Laughman and Michael Kreamer Past President: Dyan Yingst |