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It's hard to believe another calendar year has come to an end, but that just means that another ski season is about to begin! Many resorts are already open and I know some of you have been out on your skis prior to reading this newsletter! The pre-trip meetings for Beaver Creek and Big Sky before our January 7 membership meeting makes it official for many folks like me.

It was great seeing over 110 people at our Get-Acquainted Party, our annual event to kick off the winter season. Welcome to our new members and friends who joined the club and many thanks to Lynn Hannon, Suzanne Laughman and all the volunteers who helped make this another outstanding event!

Thank you for your generous donations to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank at our last two membership meetings. The combined totals from the November and December meetings were $399 cash, 178 pounds of food and a $200 check from SSC that members earned through the Hershey volunteer program.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I'm wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year! Stay safe and remember to enjoy every day ~~ it's a gift and that's why they call it the present.

Happy Trails,

Dyan Yingst


Nominations for the 2025/2026 SSC Board of Directors will be presented at our January 7 membership meeting. At that time, nominations will also be taken from the floor for the club year that runs from April 1 to March 30. Individuals nominated in this way must be present at the meeting and accept the nomination to be added to the slate for the February 4, 2025 election. Board positions consist of President, Trip Vice President, Social Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairperson and two Directors. Board positions become vacant due to fulfillment of term limits of these positions, or people stepping down to meet other obligations. The Board of Directors manages the day-to-day operations of SSC, bringing us the programs, activities, and trips that we enjoy year after year. We need your support and welcome new people to step up! If you are thinking about serving on the 2025-26 Board or have any questions about director or officer responsibilities, please contact Past President Becky Havice at or 717-250-2811.

(Click on each logo to view sponsor's website)

Our address:
P.O. Box 60713
Harrisburg, PA 17106-0713

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