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IT IS EASY TO JOIN the Susquehanna Ski & Snowboard Club. You can join online or by mail.

Join/Renew Online: We have a number of different membership packages; select the one that's best for you. If you are a renewing club member and you use the same email address as in prior years, you will be prompted to log in. If you've forgotten your password, you'll have a chance to create a new one.

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Join/Renew via U.S. Mail: Click here to open the SSC membership application in PDF format that you can print, complete, and mail or hand-deliver to SSC's Membership Director.

Mail completed paper membership applications along with your dues payment to:
Membership Director
Susquehanna Ski & Snowboard Club
P.O. Box 60713
Harrisburg, PA 17106-0713.

Why Join SSC? WHAT DO I GET for my membership?

  • Trips & Social Events: SSC members are eligible to participate in a variety of members-only ski trips for all levels of ability and vacation budget, social activities, monthly membership meetings and fun-filled parties conducted throughout the year. Please see Trips and Social Events.
  • Newsletters & Merchandise: SSC members also receive a digital copy of our monthly club newsletter filled with current information about all our trips and activities. The Club also offers some great SSC logo items for sale.
  • Eastern PA Ski Council discounts: SSC members are entitled to benefits and discounts through the Eastern PA Ski Council (EPSC). There is a spreadsheet with information and discounts on their website but you do have to register and login to see it, which prevents non-members from taking advantage as well. Just go to
  • National Ski Council Federation benefits: At a recent Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Club (EPSC) meeting, we were told about a program being offered through the National Ski Council Federation. As members of SSC, this makes each of us members of EPSC which also makes us members of the National Ski Federation. The program is offered through the National Ski Council Federation and run by Grouper. What the program does is pay seniors 65 and over for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Participating in certain Medicare supplemental and Medicare advantage programs make seniors eligible for this reimbursement. The initial reimbursement is $50, then $20 quarterly for participating in one group activity per month. I know, you may be skeptical as I was, but I thought I would give it a shot, and it turned out my Medicare Supplemental plan was one of the participating insurances that Grouper accepted and yes, I did receive a check for $50 in the mail. If you are interested, below are the steps you would need to take to see if your insurance may also make you eligible for this reimbursement.
    Go to On the blue banner at the top of the page click on Club Members Login / Register. On the next screen, create a login and register. Enter your name and email address. From the drop-down box select yes to “Are you a Ski Club or Council Member”. This will open up another drop-down box “Ski Council Name” and select “Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council”. Select Susquehanna Ski Club from the Ski Club drop down box. Hit the red “Submit” button. Once registered, you will be emailed your ID and password. Then, you will be able to login and view members-only content. Log in using your email and password. At the top of the page click on Benefits/Member Benefits. Scroll down till you come to Grouper and click on the Blue Member button. Click on the web site next to Discount Landing Page Click to see if you qualify and go from there.
    Any questions, please contact Becky Havice at

(Click on each logo to view sponsor's website)

Our address:
P.O. Box 60713
Harrisburg, PA 17106-0713

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